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Arrival and Dismissal Procedures
Above all, we want our arrival and dismissal processes to be safe for students, staff, and families. Please be sure to follow procedures and staff directions so that we can have a safe and efficient arrival and dismissal process for everyone. Should you have any questions about arrival or dismissal procedures, please call the office and we will be happy to explain them to you.
Students are highly encouraged to ride the bus if that is available to them.
General Arrival and Dismissal Practices
- Please turn right only into the parking lot to keep traffic flowing on Farnsworth.
- If the line extends past Sandyside on Farnsworth, please do not turn right off Sandyside. Instead, join at the end of the line on Farnsworth.
- There is no parking in the car loop at any time during the school day.
- There is no parking on Sandyside Street. This area is designated for our buses only.
- Any student arriving late to school must be signed into the office by a parent and for safety reasons should not walk up to the building alone.
- If parents plan to pick up their child before 3:50 PM, they must park in our parking lot and come into our main office to sign their child out. Your child will be called out of the classroom when you arrive.
- Any planned dismissal changes should be in writing and given to your child’s teacher prior to or at the beginning of the school day. They will then share this information with the office. Teachers often do not have a chance to check email during the day, so if a dismissal change occurs during the day please call the main office.
- If your child’s transportation plans change during the school day, please call us and let our secretaries know before 3:30 PM. Our secretaries will let our teachers and your child know of this change and we will get your child to the right place for dismissal.
Parent/Legal Guardian Responsibilities
- Follow all arrival and dismissal guidelines and any directions given by staff members.
- Be patient and courteous to others. We want to make sure all students, parents, and staff are safe at all times.
- For safety reasons, parents may not drop off students alone at our main entrance or in the parking lot. Students must be walked into the office and signed in.
All students that are being dropped off at school in the morning MUST utilize the drop off loop. For safety reasons, parents may not park and walk their students up to the main door.
Students that ride the bus will be dropped off on Sandyside and supervised by staff as they enter the building.
Students that walk will cross either Farnsworth or Union Lake Road with a crossing guard. Staff will supervise students as they enter the building.
Parents driving their students to school in the morning should plan to be in the right lane of the circular car loop off of Farnsworth beginning at 8:45 a.m. each day. Students being dropped off in the morning will be allowed to be dropped off starting at 8:50 a.m. each morning. Parents may not drop off their students before this time and leave. Students must stay in their cars until the main doors open at 8:50 a.m. Students may not be unattended at the car rider door area.
Drop off occurs everywhere along the curb. Our curb area is very long and extends from the entrance of the Pre-K parking lot all the way to the exit of the main parking lot at Farnsworth. Please pull as far forward as possible and fill in all the space along the curb so we can utilize the entire drop off area. For safety reasons, all students should exit on the passenger side of the car. Parents should stay in their cars and students should exit their cars onto the sidewalk on their own. This helps keep our line moving and ensure the safety of everyone. Please use the right lane for drop off and the left lane to pass and/or exit the parking lot.
If your child arrives at school after the car rider line is complete, you will need to park and bring your student(s) into the main office to be signed in and receive a pass to class. Parents MUST sign their child into the office.
There are several options for dismissal
- Bus
- Union Lake Walker
- Farnsworth Walker
- Prime Time Care
- Car Rider
- Shamrock Pick Up
Students that ride the bus will exit to the buses on Sandyside and will be supervised by staff as they exit the building.
Students that walk will cross either Farnsworth or Union Lake Road with a crossing guard. Staff will supervise students as they exit the building until they reach the crossing guard.
Prime Time
Prime Time Care students will be dismissed from their classrooms to the cafeteria. Parents will pick up their students at Door 21.
Parent Pick Up Options - Car Rider or Shamrock Pick Up
If you plan to pick up your child(ren) from school every day or on a regular basis, you will need to select Car Rider or Shamrock Pick Up. There are no student dismissals from the office at the end of the day. For safety reasons, any student needing to leave early must be picked up by 3:50 p.m. After 3:50 p.m., all students will be dismissed using one of our normal dismissal options. Families must choose either Car Rider or Shamrock Pick Up and will NOT be permitted to switch between the two options. Please see below for a more detailed description of both options. You must complete a Car Rider or Shamrock Pick Up information form to utilize these pick up options.
Car Rider
If you will be picking up your child daily and want to stay in your car and utilize our car loop, you should sign up for Car Rider. Parents may not get out of their car in the car loop and students must be able to quickly and independently get into cars on the passenger side. Car Rider signs must be displayed in the side passenger window every day. Our curb area is very long and extends from the entrance of the Pre-K parking lot all the way to the exit of the main parking lot at Farnsworth. Please pull as far forward as possible and fill in all the space along the curb so we can utilize the area. Cars should stay in the right lane of the loop to allow passing traffic to utilize the left lane. Please turn right only into the parking lot to keep traffic flowing on Farnsworth.
Shamrock Pick Up
If you will be picking up your child on a daily basis and want to park your car to pick up your child, you should sign up for Shamrock Pick Up. A Shamrock number/sign will be assigned to your family. You will park your car in the main parking lot and walk to the main door (Door 1). There will be a basket outside the main entrance for you to place your sign in. Families will wait outside the main entrance. Staff will collect Shamrock Pick Up signs and return it to your child as he/she is dismissed. A parent or guardian must be present outside the main entrance to walk with students to their car.
Signs will be processed once you complete the information form above, and we will communicate to families when signs will be available for pick up. Two signs will be given to each family. If you lose a sign and need a replacement please let the office know.